
Role Models

"So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone..."
Galatians 6:10

When I was little, one of my favorite things to do with my dad was to visit people in the hospital and go to nursing home services once a month.  I know, this is a little odd, but I'm leaving out that I loved helping him with funerals when I was in high school.  :)  As a pastor's kid you grow up doing these things and don't even realize how abnormal it is until you're grown.

I can remember taking in the smells of hospitals, loving the food, being intrigued with how they were like little cities, and admiring the nurses walking the halls.
 I also remember how lonely people in the hospital seemed, how excited they were when we'd come visit them and the fact that my dad would never leave without praying for/with both the sick patient and their families.  In an odd sort of way I still feel at home in both hospitals and nursing homes.

Luckily, I have never been in the hospital, but as an adult, I understand why it means so much when visitors drop in.  This weekend I was able to visit a friend in the hospital.  She just had a baby and has no family near.  I had a wonderful time talking to her, holding the baby and entertaining her other small children while her husband was busy getting things together to leave.  Hopefully my visit was as encouraging to her as it was to me.  You see, that's the best part of doing for others, you end up being blessed as well.

I am so grateful for parents that taught me to love people.  Growing up, I was fortunate enough to watch how much my parents truly loved and cared for others.  Even to this day they give unselfishly and sacrificially.  They don't just preach a way of living, but they have demonstrated it every day of my life.  Age is teaching me just how rare this is.

In other news, my family threw me a surprise birthday party Sunday evening.  I knew nothing about it.  My parents fixed my favorite foods and let me occupy four hours on their television watching the Oscars.  Well played, Brown/Denman clans!

The big 3-1, minus Mother and Kinsley.


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