
Happy, Happy, Happy

In honor of tonight's Ducky Dynasty marathon:
Things that make me happy...

* waking up early on a fall saturday morning, the windows opened in the house and the smell of the crisp morning air * the way a house smells after someone's been baking (especially in the fall) * a library full of old books * coffee shops * clean babies with lots of baby lotion on them * in tune vocal harmony * cello- specifically Bach's cello suite * a live orchestra * someone that I care about telling me that they love me * my niece Kinsley * a deep bass voice * a medium-rare filet mignon * crème brule * glacier water in alaska * the lingering taste of a kiss from someone you love * midnight mass on Christmas Day * riding my bicycle * homemade chicken tortilla soup on a cold day * seeing my parents ANYTIME * adoration in someone's eyes when they're looking at me * the part of the seward hiway (from anchorage, ak to seward, ak) where one side of the road is surrounded by Resurrection Bay and the other is surrounded by the Coast Range (water and mountains) * maps of any shape, size and color * the sights of nature when in woods surrounded by mountains * God's presence in a dark, silent, empty old church * purpose in life * gentle caresses * excitement * my parents' embrace after not seeing them for over a year * seeing my life being divinely interwoven with others * long car drives * learning something new * reading a good book * compliments * text messages * cold weather * fresh flowers * big hair, gaudy jewelry and fake tans (these all go hand in hand) * Maggie's devotion * office supplies * fireplaces * clean hair * fresh fruit * fresh cut blades of grass * hearing my name * voices of those i love * innocence * locust on a summer night * lullabies * pizzicato * when the dancers' feet hit the floor at a ballet * milkshakes when i'm sick * sandwiches * artwork * colors * the view from my grandparents' back door * giving gifts * a shower after working all day outside * re-reading a book that feels like a friend * poetry * swimming * jogging * solitude * teaching kids to love learning * security * traveling * journaling * snow * when someone really knows me and loves me anyway * summer vegetables fresh from a garden * crocheting * solving problems * music that moves me * laughter * a child's perspective * thunderstorms * fields in indiana during the summertime * lists * seeing progress * walking or driving through a BIG city * water * stationary * cards* small town people * getting dressed up * men in suits * people with glasses * sound of heels clicking * practicing handwriting * cooking * cleaning my house * any house that smells nice * warm clothes from the dryer * feeling of fur * clouds * talking on the phone * backstage activity * curly hair * family jokes * lemonade * TEXAS * 3KC * talking to older people * habitual patterns * christmas lights * christmas music anytime! * combinations of numbers * volunteer work * MY girlfriends * public transportation * forgiveness * words * discipline *

...there are so many more!


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