
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Disclaimer: I don't really believe the title of this entry.  :)

In college God, through a mutual friend, gave me one of the best roommates ever.  Although we always had a good relationship, our friendship has grown even deeper in the years since graduation.   Kristina is a vital member of my “inner circle”.   She is deeply caring, creative, an incredible cook, adventurous, appreciates the small things in life, is passionate about people and relationships, has a heart for God and His ways, and sooooo much more.  I am so grateful to call her one of my closest friends.  If you get a chance, check out her blog- All Is Well (she’s also an great writer).

We had a wonderful time of catching up, encouragement and good food.  Life keeps us from getting together often, but when we do have a chance, I leave with my heart feeling just a little bit happier.   On this occasion Kristina brought me a gift- a book entitled, “One Good Deed a Day, a journal”. 
This book has 365 easy good deeds to do for others, the environment, and yourself with space to write about your experiences.  Knowing I love reading, writing and giving, she picked the perfect gift!

Last Wednesday marked the beginning of this Lent season.  I have prayerfully given up eating out this year (Lint, Um, I Mean, Lent).   What I failed to mention in my Lent blog entry is that not only does the observance of Lent require one to fast something, but it also includes adding something.  Last Wednesday I added my new “good deed a day” to my routine.  Making a conscious effort to do something kind everyday has brought a slight challenge, but large reward to my routine.  The challenge has come from picking a specific good deed in the morning and searching for how to fulfill that throughout the day.

On Wednesday I decided to add recycling back into my life.  Confession: I really love recycling so much because I’m OCD and sorting trash makes me happy.  #RealTalk  But, it really does make me aware of how many products I use that use recyclable materials, sheds light on ways I can use glass instead of plastics, and helps the environment in the process.  We have been given one Earth and although it isn’t in its perfect form, I feel good knowing that I am making strides to enhance it.

Saturday’s good deed was to add a yoga class.  I practice yoga through the week, but rarely on Saturdays.  This week I made myself get out of bed early and go to class.  I am SO glad I did.  It started my day out with energy, I helped encourage a friend to go, and I was surprised with the opportunity to stay after class and chat with another friend.

Take a walk and look as far in the distance as possible was the challenge for Sunday.  Luckily it was a BEAUTIFUL day!  My friend Sesha came over and enjoyed a cup of java while walking Maggie.   We not only looked into the literal distance, but had some awesome conversations that lent themselves to looking far into the figurative distance as well.  It was just what my soul needed.

I volunteer at Ronald McDonald house with a group called Creating Heartstrings.  I have met some wonderful people through this outreach, but my current “favorites” are my friends from Egypt.  God has placed them in my life and I am so grateful.  On Thursday they will welcome a new baby into their family.  On Monday I learned about a new country/culture by searching out Egyptian customs when a baby is born.  Being in a strange land is hard enough, but add to that a huge life event without family and I can only imaging just how difficult it is.  My goal is to make my friend feel a little more at home on Thursday.

Tuesday’s deed was to be a mentor.  As a teacher, I have a large platform for this one.  I decided to pass the one good deed a day challenge to my students.  I explained to my classes that everyday I am going to write a new good deed on my board.  Their “assignment” is to find a way to do it.  What a better way to mentor than to teach a younger generation to be kind!?!

And finally, today’s good deed: say yes.  This morning I said yes to getting up earlier than normal and meeting a friend for coffee before school.  Even though she was doing me a huge favor, I almost said no because today is going to be a loooong day.  I am so glad I said yes!  Not only did I get a treat, but I started my day encouraged and feeling connected.

One week into Lent and already so many revelations.  When I focus on others, I have less time to focus on my problems.  When I make a decision to do something kind, I am ALWAYS rewarded.  Sacrificing something for the Lord brings much clarity to aspects of my life that I hadn’t even realized were unclear.  Making a decision to be disciplined sheds light on just how undisciplined areas of my life really are.

As I sit here on my lunch break meditating on this first week of Lent, I find myself very anxious to see what the Lord will reveal these next five weeks.  I challenge you- find a way to do a good deed today.  You won't be sorry!


Kristina said...

You are too kind. I can't wait to read about your future good deeds. I'm desperate to come to Ronald McDonald House with you! Love you, sweet friend.

Adriane said...

:) Maybe this summer you can come up, go and spend the night with me! Love you.

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