
Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho

It's off to work I go.  Spring break is officially over and I am settling back into routine rather nicely.  As I left Texas last week, I took with me a couple of personal things to sort out.  Upon returning I am quickly realizing that God honored my prayers and I have been able to refocus my perspective on a couple of things that desperately needed to be reshaped.

After spending the week with my brother and sis I concluded my spring break with even more family and fun at home.  I got to spend the weekend loving on this adorable little girl...

This week has been fast and furious.  I currently have seven private piano students now (praise the Lord!).  Between them, after-school meetings, and yoga, tonight was the first night I've gotten home before 9pm.  I love being busy with purpose, but I'm worn out!

Currents In My Life This Week:

* Commitment to lose 15lbs. by the first week in June.  I lost 35lbs. this past summer and gained 15 back this fall.  I think I've just buried my head in the sand about it, but there's nothing like walking down a busy street in March, wearing nothing but a swimsuit to pop that head out of the sand! (Surfer Girl)

* Still observing Lent and enjoying the painful process of discipline, self-evaluation and repentance.

* Reading, "Moonwalking with Einstein".  I have a strong desire to start utilizing my memory to its full capacity, and hopefully this book will be a great starting point.

* Watching God's faithfulness and answers to intercessory prayers in my life and others'.  #joylist

* Trying to daily live in the moment MORE than the past and future.

* Rejoicing at the ending of a long recorder unit at school.  :)

* Working on spiritual, mental, physical and musical growth by: memorizing the book of James, daily working out, committing 30-60 mins of piano practice a day.


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