
Piece By Piece

To run with arms wide open...
To embrace completely, without reservation...
To hold nothing back...
To give fully...

How does one do that when the memory of past
hurts takes your breath away?

How to give a complete heart when that heart
is broken in a million little pieces?

One piece at a time, that's what I've discovered.

And sometimes a piece falls.

The fallen pieces are more valuable
than those remaining tightly closed in my hand.

A heart is nothing if not shared.

Check out project: 10,000 Reasons


Realities of Daily Submission

"In many ways, God sized dreaming is more about an attitude than an action.  It's living with an ongoing yes to whatever God asks of you."
-Holley Gerth-

As I read these words during morning devotions, I found myself thinking about what that really looks like in my life...

Saying yes to God for whatever He has for my life, the ongoing yes, seems so easy in the beginning.  It's almost like falling in love...the thrill of the unknown...the excitement that newness brings with it...the never-ending anticipation...

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